Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Day 2!

Happy Tuesday!

Can you believe you made it through the first day of school alive? I sure can't!

Okay, so today, we are going to start working on our building goal of improving our writing skills. To begin with, we will take a look at your semester essays from last year. You will first read through what you wrote and the comments that Mrs. J made. Then, you will reflect on your writing using the reflection/ goal setting sheet that I will give you.

Once we are all done with that, we will get into groups and begin working on #wordcrimes. We will watch Weird Al's sweet video, and then divide our words up into groups.

Here are our word crimes groupings:

  1. less vs fewer
  2. it's vs its
  3. good vs well
  4. figurative vs literal
  5. who's vs whose
  6. your vs you're 
  7. their, there, they're
  8. to, two, too
  9. woman vs women
  10. all ready vs already
  11. buy, bye, by
  12. lose vs loose
  13. who vs whom
  14. affect vs effect
  15. have vs of