Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Day 122!

Tuesday! Yay for progressing through the week!

Today we will continue with our primary source reading that we started yesterday. I showed you kind of what I am looking for as we read Mary Chesnut's account of the battle at Fort Sumter. Today, you will work with a partner (or by yourself) to finish the other two accounts of the war. You will read what it was like to join an army, and a first hand account of surviving Gettysburg. Make sure you continue to work with your Primary Sources Note Taking Guide as you read! I will give you about 20 minutes to complete this. Once we have finished them, please submit your final notes using the form below. 

After we spend a little time discussing what you read today, you will get an opportunity to practice your own narrative skills with the  Experiencing the Civil War activity! For this activity, you will be researching a Civil War battle of your choice (besides the two that we have already read about), and you will tell about the battle from the perspective of a Union or Confederate soldier, or another spectator (like Mary Chesnut). These will be due at the end of class tomorrow! 

On a separate note, be sure to study your vocabulary words throughout the week; we will have a quiz on FRIDAY!