We get to start a new unit of literature today! (Can I get a "whoop whoop"?!) It's time to move on to the Civil War.
Instead of me standing in front of you chatting it up about how interesting this time period was, I thought we would take a different route for our background information this time!
You will randomly select groups and will be assigned a set of pages to read from the book. The section that we will be reading focuses on the background information and the connection to the essential questions.
As a group, you will be in charge of teaching the rest of the class about your section. After you read, you will need to collaborate and make a presentation to show the class (get creative: use iMovie, Prezi, Layar, etc.). Your presentation should highlight and summarize the important information in your section. You should also prepare a notes documents for your classmates (the format of this is up to you).
Group 1: Historical Background 462-465
Group 2: How does literature shape or reflect society? 466-469
Group 3: What is the relationship between literature and place? 470-471
Group 4: What makes American literature American? 472-473