Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 78!

Happy Tuesday!

Today we will finish up with our Poe Choice stories! You will begin in groups with the other students who read the same story as you. Together, you will discuss the three questions you were to answer along with the gothic elements of your particular story.

Then, as a large group, you will need to create a brief presentation that answers all three of the questions as well as all of the elements on your Gothic Elements chart.

  • Your presentation should include: 
    • Answers to each of the three questions, including text examples
    • A brief synopsis of the story
    • Images to highlight the characters, plot events, and themes
    • Each of the Gothic Elements on your chart

Then, we will break down into groups with people who read the other stories, and you will be responsible for "teaching" about the Gothic Elements of your story.

After each person has presented their story, discuss the following questions:

  • What similar techniques does Poe use in each of these stories?
  • What makes each of these stories "Gothic"?