Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 71!

In case you haven't checked in the past couple days, I would like you to know that we have been watching book project presentations!

Today we will finish up with any remaining presentations.

If you have not done so already, please turn in your project via the form on Monday's post.

Your next book genre will be.....wait for it....CHOICE! (Yay for me being so nice!)

You may pick any book you would like to read; I would suggest selecting one from the presentations you just saw, but if you have another book in mind, please feel free. This book, however, should be school appropriate!

Your next book selections should be with you by Tuesday, December 2nd. That's next Tuesday! Start thinking about what you want to read now!

If we have time after the remaining book presentations, we will work on this week's new vocabulary!

The words for this week are:


We will break down into groups again and take turns teaching our words to the class. This time, as you present, each group must have a visual presentation that includes: 

  • definition of the word IN STUDENT FRIENDLY LANGUAGE. I do NOT want to see the definitions verbatim from Google. 
  • part of speech
  • image to help remember the word
  • example sentence
  • associated word to help remember 
The words will be posted on the Quizlet in the next day or so.  If you have not done so already and would like to have access to the list, please click on that link and ask to join the class! 

Have a nice long weekend! See you Monday!