Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 160!

Happy Wednesday!

We'll start today by doing a couple of more introductory activities to Macbeth.

Then, we will finally start reading! Get PUMPED!

Remember, the quiz over your pink packets will be TOMORROW!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day 159!


Today we will finish up with any part of "De-Mystifying Will's Words" that we did not get to yesterday. Then, we will take just a little time to practice using some of Shakespeare's famous insults.

After that, we will do some around the world review of your pink packets to ensure that you are ready for a quiz over the background information about Shakespeare, the Globe theater, and tragedies. This quiz will be on THURSDAY!

Once we have finished that, we will start doing some introductory activities to Macbeth. AND if we get any time at the end of class, we will BEGIN READING THE PLAY!

See you soon!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 158!

Happy Monday!

Today we will continue to work with your "De-Mystifying Will's Words" packet!

We'll take a look at the rhythm and beat of his works, the meanings of some of his words, and the structures of his sentences.

If we get time at the end of the period, we will practice insulting each other!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Day 157!

Happy Friday!

Today, you will have a little time to finish up the second part of your pink Shakespeare packets. Remember, this part of the packet relates to the reading on pages 321-324 in the purple text books AND to the last page of your packet. Be sure to read all the pages to find the answers.

Once everyone is done with that, you will have another "teacher" (one of you in the class) go through the answers to make sure you're all on the same page. Mrs. Price and Mr. Sneller have the answers, so if you guys can't decide on what the correct answer is, ask the experts!

After that, you will read the "De-mystifying Will's Words" packet as a class. Mrs. Price has copies of these to hand out. Please be sure to leave them here when class is over. After you have read through the white packet, I want you to work as a class to create a list of 5 tips that will help you read Shakespeare. Please select someone to record these tips on a poster paper from the side counter.

If there is any down time throughout the period, I expect that you will be free reading.

Have a good weekend!

Day 156!

Happy Thursday!

We'll start today by discussing the information you read about Shakespeare's life on pages 314-320.

After that, we will take some time to read the next section, pages 321-324 + "The Curse" handout (you can find that at the back of your packets).

If we get time after that, we will discuss those answers as well!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 155!

Happy Wednesday!

Today we will continue working with our pink Shakespeare packets. I will give you some time with your partners to finish the reading and then we will talk through the answers!

If we get some time after that, we will move on to the next part of the reading.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day 154!


Time sure does fly when you're having fun!

Today, we will start with our vocabulary for the week!

This week's words are:

  • allusion
  • calamity
  • duplicity
  • facetious
  • implicit
  • erudite
Remember when you are creating your presentation, you need the following: 
  • word
  • part of speech
  • definition IN YOUR OWN WORDS
  • example sentence
  • visual representation
  • fun way to remember the word
After that, we will get started with our next author....duh duh DUH (like the evil noises?)

Don't forget- your reading response sheets are due tomorrow as well!! 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Day 153!

Happy Monday!

Today is the FINAL day to finish your essays! You should have reached "the island" by now and should have at least started work on your Peer Editing Forms. You will have class today to make revisions based on the comments your partner made. Yes, there should be revisions on EVERY paper. No offense, but none of you are perfect...there's always room to grow!

Once you have finished your revisions, please turn in your peer editing forms using the form below. Then, you need to begin free reading your new books!

As you begin free reading, please grab a response slip at the front of the room. Everyone must turn in a response slip by the end of the day on Wednesday! 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day 152!

Happy Thursday!

Today is your day to finish up your essays! Don't forget once you move closer "to the island", you will need to pick a partner to complete the PEER EDITING FORM with.

Once you have finished your peer editing forms, please submit your form to your partner AND using the form below. Then, you may begin revising your essays. Your goal is to have this finished by the end of the period.

If you finish that, then you are to be reading your free reading book! I will be checking to make sure that you are making progress!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day 151!

Happy rough draft day!

As you all know, your rough drafts are due today! We will spend some time peer editing them before we finalize them!

I will ask you to separate into three groups depending on where you are at with your essay. Then, with a partner from your group, you will complete this PEER EDITING/ REVISION FORM. Once you have completed AND discussed these forms, you will have the rest of the period to revise your essay.

Remember, your final drafts are due tomorrow!

ADDITIONAL REMINDER: Please bring your free reading book with you to class tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day 150!

It's Tuesday- get pumped!

Today's your final work day for your rough drafts, so you should have 3-4 pages by the end of class today! Tomorrow we will be doing some peer editing (holla!).

Make sure you are making good progress during class today! In the least creepy way possible, I will be watching you! :) [insert evil laugh here] But really, if you have questions,  please let me know!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Day 149!

Happy snowy April morning!

Today is a work day for your essay! Remember, you should have 1-2 pages done by the end of class today. Be sure that you are typing in your Doctopus document for the essay as well; it should all be in one spot!

Happy writing!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Day 148!

Happy Friday!

We'll have a work day for your Reflective Essays today! Be sure that you are working on the Doctopus document that I shared with you last week.

By the end of today, you should have your Essay Planners completed, and you can be moving on to writing your essay. Your completed essay should be 3-4 pages in length.

The schedule for next week will look like this:

Monday:  Drafting Day: 1-2 pages complete
Tuesday: Drafting Day: 3-4 pages complete
Wednesday:  Rough Draft Due @ beginning of class. Peer editing day!
Thursday: Final Draft Due!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day 147!

Happy Thursday!

Also happy first day back from MAP testing!

Today, we will FINALLY get to talk about Author's Purpose Chart from Frederick Douglass' "My Bondage and My Freedom".  If you have not already done so, please turn your chart in using the form below.

Then, we'll move on to our next big thing, our reflective essays! Our first step will be to use the Reflective Essay Planner, and you can find the rubric HERE.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Day 144!

Happy Friday!

You've almost made it through the week, and then it will be party time (prom...remember that's this weekend)!

Today we will spend a little time discussing what you thought about Frederick Douglass' "My Bondage and My Freedom". Please be sure to turn in your Author's Purpose Chart using the form below.

THEN, we get to move on to big things! Much like Douglass did, we will be writing an autobiography of sorts! For the next few days, you will be writing an essay about an experience in your life that has helped shape who you are as a person. You can see details HERE. AND, you can access the rubric HERE!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Day 143!


Today we will continue with Frederick Douglass' "My Bondage and My Freedom". We will continue to work with the Author's Purpose Chart. We will start this reading together, and then break up into partner groups. Once you are finished, please submit your charts using the form below.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Day 142!

Happy Wednesday!

Today we will finish up with our Frederick Douglass Author Notes Sheet. Remember to fill out your notes as the other groups are presenting.

Once we are done with that, we will begin discussing Douglass' autobiography My Bondage and My Freedom. We will spend a little time talking about what author's purpose is and track Douglass' purpose using this Author's Purpose Chart.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Day 141!

Good Tuesday to you all!

Today we will start by finishing any vocabulary that we did not get to yesterday!

Then, we will move on to our next author--Frederick Douglass (can I get a "whoop whoop"?). We'll start by finding out a little about who he was by using this Author Notes Sheet, but we are going to do it a little differently this time, just for the sake of fun!

Once we have finished with that, we will start talking about his autobiography My Bondage and My Freedom. We will talk about what an autobiography is, and we will discuss why Douglass felt he needed to write about his life. We will analyze his purpose for writing using this Author's Purpose Chart!

By the end of reading this selection, you will be able to say:

  • I can analyze an author's purpose for writing. 
  • I can read, comprehend, analyze, and critique an autobiography.